The Sidecar

Before the 1950s sidecars were quite popular, providing a cheap alternative to passenger cars; they have also been used by the army and police. During WWII, German troops used many BMW and Zundapp sidecar motorcycles. But it is the first time that I see this one in the town. I just had the time to take the camera before it leaves.
Croix Baragnon Street
Hello! J'habite à Toulouse, mais je vit pour une année en Californie, et j'ai un grand plaisir à retrouver de magnifiques photos de ma belle ville rose! Merci... et les photos sont très belles! Good job!
mes salutations les plus sincères!
cool photo-great capture!
superbe ce sidecar, cela fait vraiment penser a un autre temps. j'aurais bien vu cette photo en sepia ou en b&w
thank everyone. I hope to read you soon!
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