The Father Christmas

Place Esquirol

Père Noël is the French equivalent of the British Father Christmas and the American Santa Clause. He wear a long red hooded robe, edged with white fur. He furthermore is believed to live in lapland near the North Pole but in december he travel a lot. I saw him last night in the downtown around midnight. He has a a very nice bike this year.
Place Esquirol
Superbe ta photo. le pere noel a echange son traineau contre un velo. peut etre moins pratique pour transporter les cadeaux ;o) beau coup d'oeil
Superb your photograph. the Father Christmas has exchange his traineau against a bicycle. can be less practical to transport the gifts; O) beautiful glance
the santa seems modern a lot!!
not the coach, but the bike!
hee hee...i like that photo: the well.
have a nice weekend.
...and he's a lot thinner in most of Europe to the fat old geezer in the anglophone countries!
...and he's a lot thinner in most of Europe to the fat old geezer in the anglophone countries!
Il est bien maigrichon mais bien joyeux, ton Pere Noel!
Interesting read
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